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The Money is in the Follow Up
The Money is in the Follow Up

This article is all about the importance of following up with people.

Written by Eduardo Rosenfeld
Updated over a week ago

The reality of your inbox is that things slip through the cracks. You probably have an email right now that you forgot to respond to.

Why do we assume that the person we're emailing is any different?

Follow up with people.

We get busy. We forget things... it just happens. If you want something to happen, follow up.

Somewhere along the way, we get in our heads. We start making assumptions about the other person. Yet, the only thing we know is that they haven't replied.

Do you track opens?

Be prepared for those assumptions to escalate. "Well, they opened the email... why didn't they respond?"

What is Open Tracking exactly? The sender includes a tiny, non-visible image in their email that, when opened, sends a code to the sender saying the email was opened.

You're 8x more likely to open an email from your phone. This means by the time you get back to your desktop (whenever that is) the email is already marked as opened. This makes it even less likely you'll think to reply because their inbox will reduce the visual emphasis on the email.

This is why we included device types in Lavender's optional Open Tracking. If someone opens from a mobile device and doesn't get back to you, it might make sense to send a follow-up that just "bumps" it to the top of their inbox.

Ex. "Hey John, what did you think of this?"

Following up shows that you care

Whether we're talking loosely about networking, a deal you just sold, or a prospect that turned you down. The follow-up is where the "great" separates from the "good".

Want to supercharge your network?

Following up with people builds mutual investment in one another. As we described in The Forwardable Email, following up with the person, such as the person who made the connection, can mean a lot.

It's one more touchpoint that shows that you're not just using people.

If you build a strong enough web of these connections, you'll set yourself up well in life.

A group that does this well? Real Estate Brokers.

It makes sense that they'd hone this skill when you think about why. Every interaction could be building towards a potential transaction. Do it poorly, and you'll look like a bad Life Insurance salesperson. Do it well, and your network is not only an opportunity: your network creates opportunity.

The people who take the time to thoughtfully send a note to people they've connected with in the past are setting themselves up to create a network that works for them.

Need a book to teach you more about what it means to follow up?

How to Win Friends and Influence People is a must-read.

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